
December 13, 2011
Regular Meeting
Town Council Chambers - 120 Civic Plaza Drive
1:30 PM

A. November 8, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes
B. November 14, 2011 Special Meeting Minutes
C. November 22, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes
A. Loretta Trujillo, Human Resources Director
Oath of Office for new Police Cadet :  Judge Richard Chavez will administer the Oath of Office to James Black, Police Cadet for the Town of Taos.
B. Rick Anglada, Chief of Police
Chief Anglada would like to present the Chief's Challenge coin to Officer Henry Sanchez and Officer Austin Barnes.
8. CITIZENS FORUM - Citizens wishing to speak shall have the opportunity to do so for 5 minutes. No action may be taken
A. Abigail Adame, Interim Town Manager
Presentation from Judy Hoffer, UNM Taos Literacy Center Director, to give the Town a mid-year update and to inform the Town about being awarded Program of the Year by the ABE Division of the NM Higher Ed Department. One of the students will also share his/her experience in the program.
B. Abigail Adame, Interim Town Manager
Presentation from Joel Israel, Taos Sports Alliance (TSA) Executive Director, regarding Eco Park/FIFA 2 Star update; TSA Community Outreach Program; and Taos Eco Park special events for 2012.
C. Amos Torres, Public Utilities Director
Consideration and approval of Resolution 11-68 which will supersede Resolution 11-61 accepting a land dedication from RJ2M, LLC.  Previous Resolution was for Roy Cunnyngham and was required to be RJ2M, LLC.  Dedication is 1.828 acres along Este Es Extension for the construction of water line, sewer line and roadway. 
D. Amos Torres, Public Utilities Director
Consideration and approval of Change Order #8 to Contract TT-10-192 to AUI Inc. in the amount of $178,670.41 plus NMGRT for a total of $191,400.68. Change order is for several items which include; Charges for revisions to GE equipment, framing for soffit panels, roof perimeter edge nailer, changed to overhead door, 2" potable water line, relocate weather station, pressure switches, modifications to air compressors, changes to restrooms to meet ADA, changes to PV rack system, tie in from west basin, repairs to west basin, pipe supports for blowers, and damper controls. 109 additional calendar days are also added to the change order. Line Item: 81-45-45001.
E. William Morris, AICP, Planning, Zoning & Building Director
Discussion regarding Ordinance 12-01 concerning the remaining 12 lots in the Chamisa Verde affordable housing project. The intent is to approve for submittion to the MFA, an ordinance which will allow the Town to proceed with releasing the 12 remaining lots for development for affordable housing construction.

F. William Morris, AICP, Planning, Zoning & Building Director
Discussion and approval of potential modifications to the Plaza that are intended to enhance pedestrian movements and aesthetics.These proposed changes are only to the Plaza itself and not the road or sidewalks that surround the Plaza, and have been endorsed by the Taos Project.
To request details on an agenda item please contact the Town Clerk at 400 Camino de la Placita, Taos New Mexico, 87571 (575) 751-2005.
If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of aid or service to attend and/or participate in a meeting of the Town of Taos Council, please contact the office of the Town Clerk at 400 Camino de la Placita, Taos New Mexico, 87571 (575) 751-2005 at least 24 hours in advance.
For copies of this agenda please pick-up at Town Hall. You may also view the agenda and the agenda packet at

December 13, 2011
Regular Meeting
Town Council Chambers - 120 Civic Plaza Drive
1:30 PM


The Regular Meeting of the Taos Town Council was called to order by the Honorable Mayor Darren M. Cordova at 1:33 p.m. 


Ms. Renee Lucero, Town Clerk, called roll and a quorum was present.  

Those present were:      
Mayor, Darren M. Cordova      
Mayor Pro Tem, Michael A. Silva
Councilmember, Rudy C. Abeyta           
Councilmember, A. Eugene Sanchez       
Councilmember, Amy J. Quintana

Also present were:      
Interim Town Manager, Abigail Adame
Town Clerk, Renee Lucero


Mayor Pro Tem Silva led the audience in the pledge of allegiance.


Councilmember Sanchez stated he requested that an item be placed on the agenda to discuss the one-time lump sum benefit; however it is not on the agenda.  He stated in the past the benefit was not tied to safety training and now it is.  (Because of this change, Council does not receive the benefit). 

Mayor Cordova stated Councilmember Sanchez is correct that the benefit was given to employees in the past regardless of whether an employee met their safety training hours; however, the Legal Department has determined that employees must earn the benefit, which is why it is now tied to safety training.  Furthermore, he stated he does not believe the Mayor or Council should receive the benefit; however, if Councilmember Sanchez wants to amend the Resolution, it would need legal review before coming back to Council.

Councilmember Sanchez stated in the future if he requests that an item be placed on the agenda that it be placed on the agenda; if the item is not placed on the agenda he wants an explanation as to why it was not placed on the agenda.

Mayor Pro Tem Silva made a motion to approve the Agenda as presented. Councilmember Quintana seconded the motion. The motion was approved by an affirmative vote. Those voting AYE were: Mayor Pro Tem Silva, and Councilmembers Abeyta, Sanchez, and Quintana. 

A. November 8, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes

Mayor Pro Tem Silva made a motion to approve the Minutes of November 8, 2011 as presented. Councilmember Quintana seconded the motion. The motion was approved by an affirmative vote. Those voting AYE were: Mayor Pro Tem Silva, and Councilmembers Abeyta, Sanchez, and Quintana. 

B. November 14, 2011 Special Meeting Minutes

Councilmember Quintana made a motion to approve the Minutes of November 14, 2011 as presented. Councilmember Abeyta seconded the motion. The motion was approved by an affirmative vote. Those voting AYE were: Mayor Pro Tem Silva, and Councilmembers Abeyta, Sanchez, and Quintana. 

C. November 22, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes

Councilmember Abeyta made a motion to approve the Minutes of November 22, 2011 as presented. Mayor Pro Tem Silva seconded the motion. The motion was approved by an affirmative vote. Those voting AYE were: Mayor Pro Tem Silva, and Councilmembers Abeyta and Quintana.  Councilmember Sanchez abstained because he was not present at the meeting on November 22, 2011.

A. Loretta Trujillo, Human Resources Director
Oath of Office for new Police Cadet:  Judge Richard Chavez administered the Oath of Office to James Black, Police Cadet for the Town of Taos.
B. Rick Anglada, Chief of Police
Chief Anglada presented the Chief's Challenge coin to Officer Henry Sanchez and Officer Austin Barnes.
A. Jeff Northrup
Mr. Northrup requested updates at every Council Meeting regarding the command center.  He also stated he was issued a ticket for violating the sign code while picketing.  Furthermore, he expressed his concern that a new Town Manager or Town Attorney have not yet been hired.

Councilmember Sanchez asked why Mr. Northrup was issued a ticket.  Mayor Cordova asked Councilmember Sanchez to schedule a meeting with Abigail Adame, Interim Town Manager, and Jeff Northrup in order to obtain accurate information as to why a ticket was issued.
B. Jerome Lucero
Mr. Lucero asked for an update regarding the command center in an effort to keep citizens informed.

Mayor Cordova asked Mr. Lucero to schedule a meeting with Ms. Adame and further stated the Town is waiting for an updated estimate from Motorola.

Mr. Lucero stated the salary that police officers receive is substandard.  Mayor Cordova stated police salaries continue to be evaluated by Ms. Adame and Loretta Trujillo, Human Resources Director.

Councilmember Quintana asked when the police officers pay proposal will be submitted to Council.  Ms. Adame stated the pay proposal is taking longer than expected and she hopes to present it at a Council Meeting in January, 2012.
C. Councilmember Sanchez
  Councilmember Sanchez explained to Mayor Cordova that the reason he did not shake his hand at the opening of the Dog Park was because “you offer your right hand to me and you stab me in the back with your left hand.”  

Councilmember Sanchez indicated that he never did state that he wanted to shut down the Mother’s Day Concert. “Your brother on his Spanish radio station tore me up by saying 'this is what he (Councilmember Sanchez) was trying to do' and ended his comment by saying 'like a typical gringo.'”  

Councilmember Sanchez stated he felt that this was a racist remark and since his brother wouldn’t address this issue, he wanted the Mayor to explain what his brother meant. The Mayor declined to answer.

Councilmember Sanchez stated he believes citizens should be allowed to speak during the Citizens Forum without being interrupted. He further discussed ways in which he believes the Mayor has spoken against him.

Councilmember Sanchez asked why the Council must request Public Records through the Town Clerk's Office in order to obtain records.  Ms. Adame stated the directive is due to the upcoming Municipal Election in an effort to be fair to all candidates who will be running for elective office and those who are supporting candidates.  She further stated these procedures have been in place for the last several years during the election season. 
A. Abigail Adame, Interim Town Manager
Presentation from Judy Hoffer, UNM Taos Literacy Center Director, to give the Town a mid-year update and to inform the Town about being awarded Program of the Year by the ABE Division of the NM Higher Ed Department. One of the students will also share his/her experience in the program.
Ms. Hoffer stated the Literacy Program was recently awarded the very prestigious Program of the Year Award by the ABE Division of the NM Higher Ed Department. Ms. Hoffer stated the program outperformed the other programs throughout the state. Furthermore, she asked two students to speak about their experiences with the Literacy Program.

Nanette Valle is a student and spoke about how dyslexia has affected her life due to difficulties with reading.  She stated through the literacy program and personalized tutoring she is learning to read and deal with her dyslexia.  She thanked the Literacy Program for helping her and the Town of Taos for supporting the Literacy Program.

Judy Ricci is a student and shared a poem that she recently wrote about struggle and hope.

Mayor Cordova stated he is so impressed with the Literacy Program and he is pleased that the Town has invested in the program.
B. Abigail Adame, Interim Town Manager
Presentation from Joel Israel, Taos Sports Alliance (TSA) Executive Director, regarding Eco Park/FIFA 2 Star update; TSA Community Outreach Program; and Taos Eco Park special events for 2012.
Mr. Israel gave a presentation regarding Taos Eco Park's 2011 Year in Review, which included a three minute video, award presentations, notable achievements and programming announcements for 2012.  He stated Taos Eco Park has made a positive impact in the community by helping boost individual youths and local sports teams to record levels in state competitions and also by hosting a world class soccer team from Africa for high altitude training.

Councilmember Sanchez stated he hopes the Town can continue with expanding the Eco Park.
C. Amos Torres, Public Utilities Director
Consideration and approval of Resolution 11-68 which will supersede Resolution 11-61 accepting a land dedication from RJ2M, LLC.  Previous Resolution was for Roy Cunnyngham and was required to be RJ2M, LLC.  Dedication is 1.828 acres along Este Es Extension for the construction of water line, sewer line and roadway. 

Mayor Pro Tem Silva asked if the dedication is for the utilities.  Mr. Torres responded the dedication is for the land.

Councilmember Quintana made a motion to approve Resolution 11-68 as presented. Councilmember Abeyta seconded the motion. The motion was approved by an affirmative vote. Those voting AYE were: Mayor Pro Tem Silva, and Councilmembers Abeyta, Sanchez and Quintana. 

D. Amos Torres, Public Utilities Director
Consideration and approval of Change Order #8 to Contract TT-10-192 to AUI Inc. in the amount of $178,670.41 plus NMGRT for a total of $191,400.68. Change order is for several items which include; Charges for revisions to GE equipment, framing for soffit panels, roof perimeter edge nailer, changed to overhead door, 2" potable water line, relocate weather station, pressure switches, modifications to air compressors, changes to restrooms to meet ADA, changes to PV rack system, tie in from west basin, repairs to west basin, pipe supports for blowers, and damper controls. 109 additional calendar days are also added to the change order. Line Item: 81-45-45001.

Mayor Pro Tem Silva made a motion to continue the item to the Regular Council Meeting on December 27, 2011 1:30 p.m. to allow the Town to obtain additional information from the contractor.  Councilmember Quintana seconded the motion. The motion was approved by an affirmative vote. Those voting AYE were: Mayor Pro Tem Silva, and Councilmembers Abeyta, Sanchez, and Quintana. 

E. William Morris, AICP, Planning, Zoning & Building Director
Discussion and approval of potential modifications to the Plaza that are intended to enhance pedestrian movements and aesthetics. These proposed changes are only to the Plaza itself and not the road or sidewalks that surround the Plaza, and have been endorsed by the Taos Project.

Mr. Morris explained that the purpose of the request to modify the Plaza is to reduce the hardscape appearance and encourage pedestrian use of the Plaza.  He stated the modifications are as follows:

1. Adding bike racks at the gazebo and kiosk;
2. Adding an information board at the kiosk;
3. Removal of the NW and SW corners, and the chain, around the Veteran's Monument;
4. Removal of the wing wall below the "Bienvenido" sign at the NE corner of the Plaza;
5. Add a new light pole on the SW side of the Plaza;
6. Plant trees at the SW corner;
7. Remove the bathrooms and convert areas into storage; and
8. Replace the circular paver bricks around the storm drainage inlets with porous concrete blocks and plant the area with grass.

A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the modifications.  Mayor Pro Tem Silva recommended not removing the chain around the Veteran's Monument and place seating in the area instead.   He also recommended not removing the wall and further requested that the bike racks be placed closer to the outer edge of the Plaza.  

Councilmember Quintana made a motion to approve the Plaza modifications with Mayor Pro Tem Silva's recommended changes. Mayor Pro Tem Silva seconded the motion. 

Councilmember Abeyta stated he believes the Council needs to allow staff and volunteers to make the modifications using their best judgment rather that altering their recommendations.  He further stated staff and volunteers know what is best for the Plaza and the community.

Councilmember Quintana and Mayor Pro Tem Silva rescinded their motions.

Councilmember Quintana made a motion to approve the bike racks, the information board, the new light pole, converting the bathrooms into storage, and replacing the bricks with porous concrete.  The motion died for lack of a second.

Councilmember Sanchez made a motion to approve the Plaza modifications as presented. Councilmember Abeyta seconded the motion. The motion was approved by an affirmative vote. Those voting AYE were: Mayor Pro Tem Silva, and Councilmembers Abeyta, Sanchez, and Quintana. 

F. William Morris, AICP, Planning, Zoning & Building Director
Discussion regarding Ordinance 12-01 concerning the remaining 12 lots in the Chamisa Verde affordable housing project. The intent is to approve for submission to the MFA, an ordinance which will allow the Town to proceed with releasing the 12 remaining lots for development for affordable housing construction.
Mr. Morris stated this ordinance only addresses the twelve lots in the Chamisa Verde Affordable Housing Project which he refers to as Phase 1.  He explained the changes incorporate all language as required by the Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA). He further explained the parcels will be released by RFP. 

In addition, Mr. Morris stated there was a concern with reference to the cost of the parcels and the affordability for very low to low income families.  Staff recommends the appraised value of the parcels be subsidized completely by the Town in an effort to make it easier for these families to qualify for housing. Furthermore, Mr. Morris stated MFA must approve the ordinance before the Council takes final action.

Mayor Cordova stated Council direction is to move forward with the ordinance.
A. Councilmember Quintana
Councilmember Quintana requested an update on the High Altitude Athletics (HAA) Lease. Ms. Adame stated she has met with HAA and their representatives will submit a new proposal.  Councilmember Quintana asked that it be presented at the next Council Meeting if possible.

Councilmember Quintana asked for an update on the hiring of the Town Manager and Town Attorney.  Mayor Cordova stated the Town received forty-nine applications and twenty-eight met the minimum qualifications; however, some of the applicants who did not meet the minimum qualifications had great experience.  He will evaluate the applications.

Councilmember Quintana asked what the time frame is to hire a new Town Manager.  Mayor Cordova stated he is not in a rush and he wants to take his time reviewing the applications.

Mayor Cordova stated with reference to the Town Attorney position, the Town has contracted with several attorneys to handle the Town's legal needs until an attorney is hired.  Councilmember Quintana requested that an attorney be present at Council Meetings in case legal advice is needed.
B. Councilmember Sanchez
Councilmember Sanchez asked Ms. Adame to have the Fire Department inspect the building that HAA is renting because he believes the building is a hazard.  Ron Yachinich, Facilities Director, stated he did a walkthrough with Administrative Fire Chief Eric Montoya and Erik Oisen-Vreek, with Taos Fire Department, and they were only concerned about equipment that will be placed in front of the doors. 

Councilmember Sanchez referred to the December Management Team Meeting Minutes and stated he does not agree that a Councilmember must go through the Interim Town Manager prior to meeting with a Department Head and must also go through a Public Records Request in order to obtain Town records.

Ms. Adame explained she has attended several management trainings and it is recommended that she be present when a member of the Council meets with a Department Head.  She does not believe her request is inappropriate. 

Councilmember Sanchez also asked Ms. Adame why he was not notified when the engineers from Motorola conducted their walkthrough and analysis of the command center.  Ms. Adame stated Motorola requested that no representatives from the Town be present so that they would not feel pressured to make certain decisions.  Councilmember Sanchez stated he believes he should have been allowed to be present.
C. Councilmember Abeyta
Councilmember Abeyta stated Ms. Adame is doing an excellent job as Interim Town Manager and he does not believe there is an urgency to hire a new Town Manager.  He requested that Councilmembers give Ms. Adame the respect she deserves. 

Mayor Cordova stated he is fully committed to filling the position and he agrees that Ms. Adame is doing an excellent job.  He further stated due to the dynamics of the current Council he believes appointing a new Town Manager at this time may be setting that person up for failure. He will fill the position with the right person and that may not be until after the Municipal Election in March, 2012.

A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Silva and seconded by Councilmember Quintana to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m.

Darren M. Cordova, Mayor

Renee Lucero, Town Clerk

    PLEASE NOTE: The Town of Taos records most Town Council Meetings via audio, however, only Regular Town Council Meetings and some Special Town Council Meetings, with controversial issues, are video recorded. Copies are available upon request at the Town Clerk's Office located at 400 Camino de la Placita (575-751-2005) at a fee of $5.00 for audio recordings and $10.00 for video recordings.